Examining comic scenes

A woman is on what appears to be a street, dressing in a long black cloak like outfit. She seems to be dancing as she is suggesting large movement.

On the second page a winged creature is watching over a woman lying on a bed. The woman is either dead or sleeping. In the background there is a structure which holds books and what seems like heads. Maybe this woman / creature represents death?

On the third page, a woman is in a coffin being put into the ground. She is being watched by two other figures with a statue behind them.

The next page shows two figures crouching beside a nude woman. The background suggests they are in some sort of basement or morgue.

The following page shows a woman on the ground seemingly murdered or mysteriously died, due to the surrounding blood by her head. This scene takes place in a bedroom assumingely the woman who was murdered's room.

The next scene shows a hallway with two figures in it. One a woman standing near a window, and the other a man in a strange twisted position.

In the next image it shows three figures sitting at a table. One unidentified figure is holding what looks like a staff of some kind. One woman is holding her head in her hands. Maybe she just received some bad news from this unknown creature.

The final image shows two women who appear to be hiding against the wall from a giant rooster-like monster at night.


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