Assessment - Batman Comic

What is your reaction to the text we just read?:

It's a very interesting comic, one of the most interesting ones I've read for this class. I really like how it'll cut back and forth between the present and the past very successfully. When it does cut, it didn't feel abrupt. Instead it feels quite natural and smooth. I also really like how active it feels. As I was reading through it I can actually imagine it as an animated movie of sorts. Simply the camera shots and how each panel is orchestrated is done very successfully that it feels very fluid. It does have it's very dark moments in it. Whether it's a plot point in the story or simply a panel image of a face or shot. For example, The Joker (after his transformation) has a lot of eerie camera shots like having his face almost completely in darkness with the exception of small white dots for eyes. Even by looking at these images out of context of this comic, the viewer can tell immediately the type of person he is and how sadistic.

What connections did you make with this story? Discuss the elements in the work in which you connect?:

The story definitely wants you to have some form of attachment to all characters, even The Joker. With Jim you can't help but feel bad for him and emotionally attach to him. By only seeing him and his daughter in the first few panels, the viewer already has an emotional connection to them. As they both seem like a happy parental relationship on a typical day. Only for Barbra to shot, stripped and have pictures taken of her by The Joker. Which was only served has his attempt to drive Jim insane by forcing him to witness such pictures after being kidnapped and also stripped. The entire time Jim is in the hands of The Joker, you feel for him hoping that he can get out of there safe and back to Barbra.  Even with The Joker you emotionally connect with him when he was sane. Having an unsuccessful career change into a comedian, and expecting father, then having to join a rigged mob, only to have his wife killed before the mob operation. 

What changes would you make to adapt this story into another medium? What medium would you use and what changes would you make?

Without seeing the animated series adaptation of this story, I think an animated series would work very successfully as stated previously, the comic has a movie or animated movie type quality to it. Though there are graphic scenes, I would either make it very close to the comic or tone down certain aspects of it such as Jim having to witness his daughter's photos. I would also re-arrange the flashbacks if it was a movie or animated movie. Though the flashbacks when they happen in the comic work really well, they may not translate as well when put into a movie. However if it isn't toned down, it would definitely require a mature audience especially with the darker themes.


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