"Megg, Mogg & Owl" - (Week 14)
Right away the comic sets up what it's going to be like simply by looking at the first page. It has a very unique set up and style to it. It almost reminds me of older cartoon shows like The Regular Show. The comic also returns to the basic format of older comics by using perfectly squared panels. The comic is drawn almost as if it's a children's comic. Though the contents of it clearly is aimed for an adult audience. One thing I really enjoyed about this comic is how it was created traditionally (or at least appears to be). It gives the paper a certain type of texture and almost nostalgic feel due to the texture of paper. Another thing that really stands out to me is how this artist uses mixed media to create the comic. For one short story it appears to be watercolor while the next is done in colored pencils then marker. Using mixed media in this type of way is a new thing I have never seen done in a comic before and changed the feeling of each story. This comic is also most definitely an underground comic as it features adult themes and language.
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