Underground Comics - (Week 6)

The first comic I read was Mr. Natural and right away you can tell this seems to be an original copy as the pages seem to be yellowed with age. It also seems to be hand drawn, even the panels, due to the wobbly lines of them. As soon as you start reading it, presumingly Mr. Natural, is a strongly disliked character. Straight from the get go you see Mr. Natural steal from a beggar on the street to buy himself food, despite being well fed. Another thing I noticed is how cartoonish and almost child-like the illustrations are in this particular comic even though this is an underground comic. The next short comic within this same book is even more so out there and not afraid to be offensive. This the last one it heavily stereotyped African-Americans. However with this one it is heavily stereotyped of African-Americans and has strong sexual undertones / plot.


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