"Fun Home" - (Week 12)

One main thing I noticed is that everything is in black in white with touches of blue in each theme. However despite it having more black and white it still feels as if each panel is in full color. The panels are filled with fun shapes and so much movement that they never feel empty despite the lack of color. Another thing that really stuck out to me was the use of extreme angles. Many comics I have read at least, use only shots that are essential. However, in "Fun Home" she uses more interesting panels. For example when they are describing the father fixing the house, instead of using flat camera work, she uses very dynamic angles. After a few panels it reveals the father's dark secret. Which I personally love how this author set up the story and drew the father already as a controlling father. Making him this way from the beginning makes the readers already have a dislike for him but when the dark secret is mentioned, it's a shocking surprise that makes the readers have an even stronger dislike. Not even into the second chapter the viewer can't help but feel deeply sorrowful for the author. One line that really left an impact on me was when she was talking about feeling like her father was already gone before he actually was. "He really was there all those years, a flesh-and-blood presence steaming off the wallpaper, digging up the dogwoods, polishing the finals...smelling of sawdust and sweat and designer cologne. But I ached as if he was already gone."


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